Author – Muhammad Furqan Falahi

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

There is a flour mill (called “Girni” in our area) at a short distance from our house. During my childhood, whenever flour was needed, my mother and sisters used to sit at home to pick wheat regularly, using a special sifter. They were sifted, small pebbles etc. were separated, then we put the wheat in a pot or a big bag and took it to the gurney and then after grinding them we came home with flour.

In my childhood I also saw that we went with the wheat and saw that the mill was fully open, the craftsman had come and he was making small diagonal lines with the help of his tools on both sides of the mill. At that time, there was no understanding of what was happening, but it was expected that this phase would be completed as soon as possible; So that we can get the dough quickly.

Today, after a long time, it was agreed to go to the same granary, there was a little time to grind our wheat, so they stood there waiting to take the flour with them after grinding. While standing there, I learned these important life lessons:

I noticed that almost everything in the gurney had dough on it. From the water jug ​​to the ceiling fan above, there was a thin or thick layer of flour. Even the cloth wrapped around the head of the person working there showed the effects of the flour.

This gave me the lesson that when a person spends too much time in a certain environment, that person begins to be influenced by that environment insensibly. If a person lives in an environment of goodness, then automatically in his heart Good spirit will arise, his nature will be attracted towards good deeds; Whereas if a person starts living in the environment of evils, then he will not hate evils, he will not feel horror in his nature by doing sinful deeds.

The arrangement of the machine in which the wheat was being ground was such that the wheat was added from the top and the flour came out from the bottom. I noticed that a large cloth was wrapped around the side of the part from which the dough was coming out; So that the dough does not fly away and is wasted, but goes into the pot placed below.

From this it was understood that a person should take care in his every kind of labor that no part of his labor should be wasted. He should put a fence around his labor so that the desired benefits are not lost but get full benefit.

In the same way, it was also understood that many times we see a task as very small in appearance, but how much effort, how much effort is hidden behind it, is hidden from us. As I saw the wheat was falling rapidly towards the bottom of the machine and was immediately collected in the vessel in the form of flour. But this journey from wheat to flour is not easy. A system inside the outer part of the machine is working at a constant high speed that we cannot see.

The lesson learned from this is that we should not underestimate any human effort. Sometimes we think that it is a big work, or we think that it is so much work, but how much he has worked, how much suffering he has endured for this work is not in front of our eyes.

  • What I couldn’t understand as a child was given a lesson today. The meaning of the marks given on the millstones in childhood
  • When he picked up his bowl of flour, it was hot.

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