Author – Muhammad Furqan Falahi

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

One of the hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ: “No man was born except for the fitrah, so his parents were Jewish and Christian or Yamjasana” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Jama’ah, Chapter Man Athaqib even Yadfan, Hadith No: 1359) that every human being who comes into this universe is the religion of Islam. He is born on the same day, then later his parents mold him in the mold of their religion and religion. It also becomes clear that Islam is the only religion that will be acceptable to Allah and will be a means of salvation. The Holy Qur’an itself has given this message: “In-ud-din and Allah-ul-Islam” that Allah. Islam is the only religion that will be accepted here, after this fact becomes clear, it is natural that the question arises that why the religion of Islam has been declared so important that it has been made the standard and criterion and its Except all the heavenly religions were abrogated, the answer to this question will surely be that because the religion of Islam is the last religion, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the last messenger and prophet and the Holy Qur’an as the last scripture. have been chosen by Allah Ta’ala for the present world; therefore, no other religion will be acceptable except this, another important reason for this is that no other prophet will come now. and no other book is going to be revealed, therefore the existence of a new Shariat is no longer possible, therefore the religion of Islam is the guarantor of the success of humanity, Muhammad ﷺ is a perfect example and the Holy Quran is a comprehensive book of life. given.

Now that Allah Ta’ala has related the success of humanity to this religion, it is the responsibility of every human being to try to color himself in the color of Islam and not be related to any other religion. But if we keep the ground facts in front, it seems impossible that the whole humanity will gather on one religion and all people will accept one religion with seriousness; Therefore, this responsibility has now been transferred to the shoulders of those people whom Allah Almighty has enriched with the blessing of Islam and created in the Ummah Muhammadiyah that they should thank Allah Almighty for receiving this blessing and at the same time Keep trying to extend this blessing to those who are deprived of it, and perform this responsibility with the idea that they may be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.
On the other hand, the fact cannot be denied that not every Muslim seems to be ready to pay this responsibility, rather there will be people who are sifting the dust of this desert and this field as much as the amount of salt in the flour. They are doing their services, seeing their determination and courage and seeing their services being fruitful, this desire rises in the hearts of many people that they also enter this field and the sighs and disbelief of the world of humanity. Invite the children of Adam to the religion of Islam while wandering in the dark valleys of polytheism, but due to ignorance of any specific method or tone of invitation, they see their desire dying, although there are two opinions on this matter. It is not that there is no specific way of invoking Allah, that only that will be considered feasible and any other way of invoking will be declared innovation; Because time and time, situation and place, even the change of thought and opinion of the addressee also causes a change in the method of invitation, and this change is a reflection of the flexibility of Islam, due to which even today, people enter the circle of Islam. The number of people is countless.

Now that Allah Ta’ala has related the success of humanity to this religion, it is the responsibility of every human being to try to color himself in the color of Islam and not be related to any other religion. But if we keep the ground facts in front, it seems impossible that the whole humanity will gather on one religion and all people will accept one religion with seriousness; Therefore, this responsibility has now been transferred to the shoulders of those people whom Allah Almighty has enriched with the blessing of Islam and created in the Ummah Muhammadiyah that they should thank Allah Almighty for receiving this blessing and at the same time Keep trying to extend this blessing to those who are deprived of it, and perform this responsibility with the idea that they may be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.
Before writing anything on the method of Da’wah, it would be better to see what was the style and method of Da’wah before the Prophet’s era and what kind of behavior did those who were invited to the religion; So, when Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) spoke to the king of his time, Nimrod, and offered him the invitation to religion, he first told him as a proof of the oneness and divinity of Allah, that my Lord is the One who gives life. And gives death, on this Nimrod said that I can do this too. With this answer, Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) realized his mental level and then gave him an argument that he became amazing; So he said, “My Lord brings the sun out from the east. If you are the true God, as you think, then show me the sun from the west.” Reason bowed down before this argument __ Consider this incident that when Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) realized the hidden arrogance in his nature, he overpowered it with such an argument that shook his subconscious mind and made him think that Forced that surely there is a being whose power is behind the system of this universe, see further that the dialogue between Hazrat Musa and Pharaoh is going on in Pharaoh’s court, Pharaoh was also a claimant of God and many people bowed down to him. used to strengthen his idea, Prophet Musa (AS) gave him clear arguments in the presence of his courtiers and forced him to think that the real God and God are some other entity, now go a little further and the prophetic covenant. If you look and think about it, you will know that after the appearance of the religion of Islam, someone said goodbye to this invitation in the first moments, then someone said something on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah. This fortune was blessed, and there were many who converted to Islam after the conquest of Makkah. The reason for this was not any deficiency in the Da’wa religion or the personality of the Da’i, but it was the thoughts and ideas of the Da’i, which were changed. Some took a few moments, while others took many years to change them, then the positive attitude of the Prophet himself became the main reason for the spread of Islam among them. Where he created a new history, he provided a great opportunity for the religion of Islam to strengthen its roots. He also considered the intelligence and nature of the leaders and their rank and position, for example, when he wrote a letter to the King of Rome, he used the title of “Azeem al-Rum” for him, although the greatness of Allah and His Messenger. His magnificence had no meaning in front of him, but he permitted the use of it for the sake of taalif qulb and for the purpose of instilling in his heart the knowledge of Islam. While there were other interests in sending different messengers to different rulers, it was also taken into account that those messengers were somewhat familiar with the civilization and culture of the region and the ideas and beliefs there, even in this regard, you And he also considered the language; therefore, he chose Hazrat Dahiya Kalbi as a messenger for the country of Rome. One of the important reasons for this was that his color was fair and the color of the Romans is also fair. The aim was that the local people there would not be afraid of them and that they would be facilitated in spreading the religion.

Now that Allah Ta’ala has related the success of humanity to this religion, it is the responsibility of every human being to try to color himself in the color of Islam and not be related to any other religion. But if we keep the ground facts in front, it seems impossible that the whole humanity will gather on one religion and all people will accept one religion with seriousness; Therefore, this responsibility has now been transferred to the shoulders of those people whom Allah Almighty has enriched with the blessing of Islam and created in the Ummah Muhammadiyah that they should thank Allah Almighty for receiving this blessing and at the same time Keep trying to extend this blessing to those who are deprived of it, and perform this responsibility with the idea that they may be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.
After that, see that there are two types of people who are generally invited: First, those who are defined by the Qur’an as the word “Al-Mulla”, which means those who are considered to be influential in society. They are the owners of black and white and have some degree of influence, the element of arrogance and egoism prevails in the nature of such people, as a result of which they openly oppose the Da’wah and suppress it. The Qur’an has also mentioned them in several places; Thus it is said:”وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا فِي قَرْيَةٍ مِنْ نَذِيرٍ إِلا قَالَ مُتْرَفُوهَا إِنَّا بِمَا أُرْسِلْتُمْ بِهِ كَافِرُونَ”(سبا:۳۴) نیز حضرت نوح ؑ کی قوم سے متعلق ارشاد ہے :”قَالَ الْمَلَأُ مِنْ قَوْمِهِ إِنَّا لَنَرَاكَ فِي ضَلَالٍ مُبِينٍ’ (Al-A’raf: 60) In the same way, it is said: “And let the rest of them depart, and wait patiently for your people; indeed, this is what they want” (S: 6). The reasons for their enmity and opposition to Islam are of three types:
(1) Arrogance: The first cause of enmity with Dawat-e-Din was their arrogance, which prevented them from accepting Islam. It is indicated in some verses of the Holy Quran itself; Therefore, it is said: “And they fought against it, and they trusted themselves with oppression and exaltation” (An-Namal: 14).

Al-Ala” (Al-Nazaat: 24) There is a saying about Nimrod, the king in the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS): “He said: ‘I live and die'” (Al-Baqarah: 258) It was said while interpreting the nature of the infidels of Makkah. It is: “And they said, ‘If this Qur’an had not been sent down to a man of the great Qur’an'” (Al-Zakharf: 31), what is made clear in all these verses is that the spirit of arrogance and egotism among the disbelievers and polytheists is something like this. He told him that because of this he was prevented from accepting the invitation.
(2) Habba Jah: This was the second reason due to which the disbelievers and polytheists refrained from accepting the divine invitation, as if they were afraid that if they accepted this religion, they would be removed from their position and state. And he will have to wash his hands of his honor and fame. The Holy Quran described his illness as follows: “Then the people who disbelieved among their people said, ‘What is this except a human being like you who wants to be praised by the world’?” (Umankunum: 24)

(3) Ignorance: The biggest and most common cause of enmity with Dawat-e-Deen was ignorance and ignorance, and this is the reason because of which man denies even God, despises and humiliates the Prophets, and دین حق سے منسلک ہونے والوں پر مظالم ڈھانے کو اپنا پسندیدہ مشغلہ بنا لیتا ہے ، قرآن کریم میںحضرت نوحؑ کی قوم سے متعلق ارشاد ہے:”فَقَالَ الْمَلَأُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ قَوْمِهِ مَا نَرَاكَ إِلَّا بَشَرًا مِثْلَنَا وَمَا نَرَاكَ اتَّبَعَكَ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ هُمْ أَرَاذِلُنَا بَادِيَ الرَّأْيِ And what did we see for you from grace, but your judgments were false” (Hud: 27) It was the ignorance of the people of Noah that they used to say that you are only human like us, so why can revelation come to you? And if you were a prophet, then the people who followed you should have been wealthy and high-ranking people, not ordinary people from the backward class, as if according to them, the criterion of the truth of a prophet was that his followers were large and wealthy. People do, otherwise the Prophet’s prophecy and his call will not be credible.
The second type is those people whom we can call common people or whom Noah’s people gave the title of “villains”, and the fact is that among the people who accepted the call of religion in every age Individuals lead the way and these are the people who take the initiative; so when Heracles inquired from Hazrat Abu Sufyan, what kind of people follow the person who claimed prophethood in your city? Hazrat Abu Sufyan’s reply was that the weak and poor section of our nation had responded to his invitation. On this, Herakle invited the Prophet ﷺ and confirming his prophethood, he said that in every age, the same section People take the initiative to follow the Prophet.

While there may be other reasons for this class to accept the Da’wa-e-Deen at the first stage, one prominent reason is that these people are devoid of all the negative emotions and elements that prevent them from accepting the Da’wa-e-Deen. They do not have the desire for government and the state, nor are their souls full of arrogance, that is the reason why they accept the invitation to religion very quickly.
After the enmity with the religion of Islam and the reasons and elements hindering the acceptance of the truth become clear, this fact also comes to the fore that by accepting the religion found in the Prophet’s era and earlier periods and adopting the truth. Obstructive factors and elements exist in today’s nations with a little deficiency or excess. It is very possible that there has been a difference in their condition, but they are definitely present. raised and called the people to the One True God. Similarly, it is the responsibility of every footman of the Muhammadan caravan to make every possible effort to propagate and promote this religion on his behalf, as well as if his efforts to invite the religion I have maximum profit potential if the following issues are excluded:
(a) Strengthen the relationship between oneself and one’s Lord through good conduct, supplications and a sincere heart.
(b) Keep in mind that every person’s thoughts and concerns are different, sometimes the region and sometimes the nickname has an effect on human thinking, keeping this fact in mind, the addressee should be invited.
(c) Every sect and community has some basic beliefs and principles and they have their own specific taste in religion, it is very important to give invitation to religion while making allowances for these issues.
(d) Sometimes education, culture and traditional ideas work to some extent in the addressees, while talking to such people, care should be taken not to say anything to them that might cause them to believe in religion. Be suspicious and hate Islam.
(H) Every nation has some goals and objectives, some specific slogans or movements, sometimes these things are based on material foundations and sometimes they are based on moral or spiritual foundations. It will be useful to take time to consider these issues and consider their thoughts and concerns.

After passing through all these stages, when the sound of the call to religion knocks on the heart of the addressee through his ears, his reaction is also different and separate according to his nature, as if his reaction is different. The invitee and the addressee can be classified into five categories:
(1) The first type is those who listen to the Da’wa-e-Haqq with full attention and evaluate it without any prejudice or prejudice, and accept it with complete confidence and satisfaction at the very first stage. The examples of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Khadijah and Hazrat Ali (RA) are in front of us.
(2) The second type is those whose nature is inflexible, these people certainly listen to the call, but no immediate change is evident in them; However, these people devote a part of their concern to this invitation.
(3) The third type is those who view the invitation to religion with suspicion and mixed feelings of surprise and reluctance, and these people immediately accept it for some personal reason or fear of other bigoted people. They are not in a position to invite such people, keeping in mind the aspect of tenderness and compassion, avoiding any kind of harshness or coercion, and encouraging them to make decisions with consideration, prudence and foresight. دینی چاہئے، قرآن مجید میں ارشاد ہے:ـــ”قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَعِظُكُمْ بِوَاحِدَةٍ أَنْ تَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ مَثْنَى وَفُرَادَى ثُمَّ تَتَفَكَّرُوا مَا بِصَاحِبِكُمْ مِنْ جِنَّةٍ إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا نَذِيرٌ لَكُمْ بَيْنَ يَدَيْ عَذَابٍ شَدِيدٍ”(سبا:۴۶) لہٰذا ان لوگوں کو اپنی دینی مجلسوں Invited to participate, invitation booklets in easy-to-read language should be given as gifts, so that they can come to a conclusion and make a positive decision.
(4) Some people accept the call of religion, but their aim is to acquire material resources and worldly profits, such people prove to be harmful, it is said in the Holy Qur’an: حَرْفٍ فَإِنْ أَصَابَهُ خَيْرٌ اطْمَأَنَّ بِهِ وَإِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ فِتْنَةٌ انْقَلَبَ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ خَسِرَ الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةَ ذَلِكَ هُوَ الْخُسْرَانُ الْمُبِينُ'(الحج:۱۱) البتہ یہ بات ملحوظ رہے کہ دل کی حالت کا صحیح علم اللہ تعالیٰ کے سوا کسی کو نہیں ہو سکتا ؛لہٰذا کسی بھی Caution should be taken against the kind of curiosity, along with this, such people should be told the virtues related to the sacrifice of life and wealth, and should be made aware of the system of punishment and reward in Islam, so that their hearts become enlightened.
(5) The last category is of those people about whom the Qur’an says: “Allah has put an end to their hearts and to their hearing and to their eyes, deceit and a great punishment” (al-Baqarah: 7). Despite being well aware of it, they have hatred and hatred towards it, and they put a lot of pressure in opposition to it, on whom the aggressive thinking and desires of the self prevail, due to which these people are deprived of the happiness of accepting the truth. These types of people should be treated with kindness, the Qur’anic advices such as “Say peace” and “Wasahibhuma fi dunnia ma’roof” should be kept in the heart, and should also pray for guidance in their favor. It should be noted that the Prophet himself prayed for guidance for Hazrat Umar and Abu Jahl, which was accepted in favor of Hazrat Umar.
In summary, from all these things, where the importance of religious invitation is known, it also shows the importance of the qualities required for the da’i, the selection of the appropriate style and method of invitation, and the importance of familiarity with the thoughts and ideas of the invitee. By making them torch-bearers, the candles of faith and Islam can be lit in the world immersed in the darkness of disbelief and polytheism. Will give eternal life to the candle, and the like by Allah the Most High.

Note: In the preparation of this article, help has been taken from these books:
“Al-Dawa’ to Allah”, by Dr. Tawfiq Al-Wa’i, Dar Al-Yaqin, Egypt.
“Usul al-Dawa”, by: Al-Shaykh Abd al-Kareem Zaidan, I: Masisat al-Rasalat, Beirut.

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