Author – Muhammad Furqan Falahi

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

Studying human history reveals the fact that from the very beginning, human nature has the love of its Creator and Sustainer and the dedication to reach him. It makes man, but if he is on the wrong path, then this thing becomes the cause of his religious and hereafter destruction; Therefore, we see that people suffering from idolatry make idols of clay with their hands and worship it and falsely try to soothe their souls, while this would be clear if we turn the pages of history. It is said that even before the advent of Islam, idolatry and elementalism were prohibited in other divine laws. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) stopped his father Azar (who was not only an idolater but also an idolater) from worshiping idols. Therefore, this practice was considered undesirable and sinful in every era, but one of the important distinctions of Islam is that, keeping in mind the human nature and temperament, it prohibited idolatry, where it allowed man to connect with his Lord and his own. He also provided an opportunity to observe the mercy and blessings of the Lord, so that he does not let his love go astray from the truth and reaches his destination by following the highway of guidance.

The great gift given by Islam was in the form of Hajj, that Islam included this great act of worship in its foundation, so in the hadith, where the Prophet ﷺ has enumerated the five basic pillars of Islam, Hajj is also included in them. has been included in it, which shows its importance and usefulness, at the same time the Holy Prophet himself practically taught the whole ummah the right way to perform Hajj by performing the Hajj, and since the Hajj journey is from the first. Until the end, it is full of hardships that a person who is far away from his home hides his body in two sheets and lies at the door of the creator of the universe without caring about the weather. But is seen running, then suddenly As soon as he was ordered to go to a secluded field away from the spring splendor of the Kaaba, Mina arrived, sometimes he was seen wailing in the field of Arafat, then the same person sometimes pelted Satan with a stone and expressed his eternal enmity with him. will be seen to present the evidence, then in remembrance of the blessed Sunnah from the era of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S), he sacrifices an animal in the days of sacrifice and presents his feelings and emotions in the court of his Lord, and then all these After completing his actions, he cleans his hair, nails, etc. to clean the dirt on his body, which seems to express that the worship of Hajj has cleansed his inner self and now also cleanses his outer self. It has to be cleaned.

It is obvious that when Allah the Exalted worships a servant so much, He will reward him with such a great reward, so that he can be pleased and also understand the generosity of Allah. The reward of this is that first of all, the good news was given to all the pilgrims that their sins were forgiven by doing this Hajj and they became pure and clean like a child is when it is born, but it should be clear that This virtue at the same time.

It will be achieved if during the entire journey of Hajj one does not abuse anyone or do any evil deeds (See: Bukhari, Kitab al-Hajj, Chapter Fazl al-Hajj al-Mubarur, Hadith No.: 1449). It should also be clear that this Hajj Only minor sins will be forgiven, otherwise the rights of Allah and the rights of the servants and the matters related to them will still remain. It will be known that if Hajj is performed exactly as Allah wants, then there is a promise of Paradise from Allah, which is indeed a great reward. Thus, Hazrat Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said. That the reward for performing Hajj is Paradise:

“And al-Hajj al-Mubarur has no reward in Paradise” (Bukhari, Chapters of Umrah, Chapter Wajub of Umrah and Fazlha, Hadith No. 1683)

The second important thing in this regard is that where there is such a great reward for performing Hajj and the Hajj receives such great merit, there is a great deprivation in spite of the ability and power to postpone the Hajj journey and not perform Hajj. The thing is, in the hadith itself, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said in this regard that Allah Almighty says that if I keep a person physically healthy and his sustenance is ample, still five years of his life in this condition. It happens that he does not come to meet me, then surely he is deprived. (See: Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith No: 3703)

In summary, every able-bodied Muslim should be blessed with the blessing of visiting the House of God and Hajj in the time of his health and prosperity, and he should take every step of his Hajj journey with a sigh that the land is so holy that there Any type of omission can cause a great loss and even a slight slip can prove to be a big one; therefore, all the members should be paid with the reminder of their excellence and believing in the perfect power of Allah, the Exalted, that the same should be accepted. He is the doer and all worship is for Him.

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