Author – Muhammad Furqan Falahi

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

It is a general rule in the world that when good qualities are found in abundance in a person, heads are automatically bowed to honor him, similarly when there is a high degree of excellence in something, its gender There is no hesitation in giving it priority over other things, sometimes the excesses and exaggerations in this regard reach to the extent that some of the flaws that hurt the personality or reduce the usefulness of something. Even the eyes are blinded, whereas what should happen is that the good qualities should be appreciated and the things that are wrong should be pointed out in a proper way so that the personality is improved and there is no chance to raise the finger. stay
It is a general rule in the world that when good qualities are found in abundance in a person, heads are automatically bowed to honor him, similarly when there is a high degree of excellence in something, its gender There is no hesitation in giving it priority over other things, sometimes the excesses and exaggerations in this regard reach to the extent that some of the flaws that hurt the personality or reduce the usefulness of something. Even the eyes are blinded, whereas what should happen is that the good qualities should be appreciated and the things that are wrong should be pointed out in a proper way so that the personality is improved and there is no chance to raise the finger. stay
If we study the history, it becomes clear that in this mortal world, no country law and no human organization has had the quality to collectively fill the society with good morals and keep it free from vices. with the feelings of the Prophet, except for the virtues of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his way of life, in which it can be easily felt that the distinguishing feature of virtues is that it not only inculcates pearls of morals in human beings. It works, but also has the ability to remove the bad habits and attitudes in the human being. Not only other good habits, but the method of dealing with people of different cultures and classes with different thoughts and concerns is also present in the treasure of biography. Patience can be seen, when your rights are destroyed, your issue of forgiveness comes to the fore, on yourself. He acted with justice in the rights of others and forgave his rights to others, so we learn all these things from the Prophet’s life, which instills in our hearts the love of life and the greatness of the Prophet. One gets to know the method of justice and fairness between different types of people and one gets to remove the misunderstanding caused by one’s actions, because there were occasions in the life of the Prophet himself that some people did something like this. acted which was apparently a very ugly act or could have caused a great loss, but the Messenger of Allah ﷺ adopted a strategy and corrected these mistakes in such a way that everyone’s hearts became clean.
Gave it to Quraish and forgot us…:
In the books of hadith, the incident of the distribution of the booty obtained in the Hunain campaign has been narrated in detail. Given that in some traditions, it is mentioned that each man was given about one hundred camels, while nothing was given to the Ansar, which had the effect that the stories about it started circulating in some circles of the Ansar, to the extent that some He even said, May Allah forgive His Messenger that he is taking a surprising step in the distribution of booty, giving it to the Quraysh and depriving us of it, while our swords are still killing them. Quraysh’s) blood is dripping, what happened that when a difficult hour comes, we are remembered and the booty is left and distributed, we just want to know that this new style of booty distribution. Who invented it? If it is from Allah Almighty, then we will certainly be patient, but if it is based on the opinion of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, then we will negotiate with you in this regard. It also happened that Hazrat Saad bin Ubadah, who was considered a dignified figure among the Ansar Companions, came to the service of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! Feeling depressed, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ inquired about what issue? Hazrat Saad said that he did not give anything to the Ansar in the distribution of booty, which he gave to his people and other Arab tribes. ﷺ asked him, O Saad! What is your personal opinion? Saad said: Huzur! I too am a member of my nation (so I think the same), so the Prophet ﷺ ordered Hazrat Saad to gather his people in one place and when they gather, inform me. He gathered all the Companions in a place where no one was present except the Ansar and then informed the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that according to his order all the Companions of the Ansari had been gathered in one place, he went there and when He was convinced that there was no non-Ansari person among them.

After standing up to speak and praising Allah, he said: O people of the Ansar! Did I not come to you in such a state that you were astray from the right path, then Allah blessed you with guidance? And you were in poverty, so Allah blessed you with good fortune, and you were enemies to each other, but Allah established friendship and love between you. All the Companions of the Ansar answered without saying, “O Prophet! Indeed, it was like that, Allah and His Messenger are the most exalted and the best benefactors, then the Prophet ﷺ inquired: If I ask something, will you answer? Everyone said: O Messenger of Allah! What should we say and what should we answer? The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: By God, if you wish, you can say (and you will be completely truthful in your words) that you came to us in such a state that your people themselves drove you out, then We sheltered you, and you came as a defeated man, but We extended a hand to you, and your people denied you, but We He had confirmed you, the Ansar Sahaba said that (there is no perfection on our part in this), it is all the favor of Allah Ta’ala. Everyone remained silent, no one said anything, the Holy Prophet ﷺ again asked what is the truth of what you have said. Then some wise men of the Ansar said: O Messenger of Allah! Those of us who are chieftains did not say anything, but some of the old people said that may Allah forgive His Messenger that he gives the spoils to the Quraish and does not give them to us, although now The blood of the Quraish is dripping from our swords, upon which the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: Look! These are the people of the Quraish. I wanted to appease them and compensate them for their losses, O party of Ansar! Are you angry with me because of the worldly wealth given to please a nation that has entered Islam? Just tell me, don’t you like that other people return to their homes with goats and camels and you return to your homes with the Messenger of Allah? By God, what you are returning with is many times better than the things that other people are returning with. If the people follow one path and the Ansar follow another path, then I prefer the path of the Ansar, for you are as close to me as a cloth attached to the body. Had it not been, I might have been one of the Ansar, O Allah! Have mercy on the condition of the Ansar and the condition of the children of the Ansar __ After hearing this influential speech of the Prophet, the whole nation wept profusely and everyone began to say: We are satisfied with the division of Allah and His Messenger, now that we have met you, we have no need of the world. (See: Ibn al-Munzir’s book “Al-Awsat fi al-Sunan”, Hadith: 113)
After reading this entire incident, bow your head and close your eyes for a while and take a look at the past, reach the streets of Madinah where the Lord of the Worlds ﷺ gathered these Ansari Companions and imagine this. The situation that these companions of the Prophet would have been in after this address, and see how the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, had cleansed the hearts of all the Ansar companions in the best way, and with what skill he had unknowingly attacked some of the Ansars. Vali had corrected the mistake so that neither that mistake remained nor the feelings that worked behind this mistake remained.
Allow me to commit adultery!
In the Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal, a strange incident is mentioned from Hazrat Abu Umamah Bahli, narrates that once a young man came to the Prophet’s court and said: O Messenger of Allah! Allow me to commit adultery. After hearing this sentence, all the Companions in the assembly started to warn him, but the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, Bring him here, so he was seated near you. Love this process for your mom? He said: O Messenger of Allah! May my life be sacrificed for you, how can I like this abominable act for my mother, he said that like you, other people also dislike this act being done to their mother, then he said. Mentioning his daughter, sister, aunt, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, he repeated the same question and the person kept repeating the same answer every time, then the Prophet ﷺ placed his hand on him and prayed: O Allah! Forgive his sins, purify his heart, and protect his private parts; so that the young man never turns to sin again after that. (See: Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 21628)
Consider the young man’s question as to what dirty act he was asking permission for, and then look at the method of reformation of this great reformer, how he logically instilled in the heart and mind of this young man the undesirableness of adultery. He got over it forever.
When the villager urinated in the Prophet’s Mosque:
Hazrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that once we were sitting in the Prophet’s Mosque in the service of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when suddenly a villager came to the mosque and stood aside and started urinating. When they ran, he stopped them from doing so. He said to leave him so that he would stop urinating. When he had finished urinating, the Prophet ﷺ called him and said that these mosques are not suitable places for urinating and defecating. There are places, then you ordered someone to pour water on the place where the villager urinated, so that place was cleaned by bringing water from a bucket. (See: Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 285)
Look at the incident that a villager urinated in the mosque, which we consider a special place for the worship of Allah Ta’ala, because of his lack of knowledge. The Companions allowed him to behave harshly with him, but in a very compassionate way, he explained to him that mosques are for worship, and places that are designated for worship should not be littered.
The important thing that is meant to be pointed out by all these incidents and similar incidents is that the method used by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) to correct the mistakes and shortcomings committed by people in his presence, because of this, a On the one hand, the turbidity of the hearts was also removed, differences and grudges were also erased, on the other hand, these mistakes were also corrected. By adopting this behavior, keeping the love and breaking down the walls of hatred, many mistakes flourishing in the society can be rectified.

(18 Rabi Awwal, 1435 according to: 19 January 2014)
Note: In the preparation of this article, special use has been made of Ahmad Bin Saleh Al-Tawayan’s “Kif Attaqar al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with al-Akhta”.

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