Author – Muhammad Furqan Falahi

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

There is no need for big events or accidents to learn a lesson in life, sometimes a person learns a big lesson from the smallest thing, the condition is that the angle of seeing and understanding is correct.

Today two wheeler bikes are plying in hundreds in almost every area, the bike also shows the mood of its rider, the bike of a middle aged or married person does not necessarily have mirrors and working indicators. Yes, their thinking is to buy a bike with a self-starter, but after some time, the thinking comes to a little twist that when the bike can be started by kicking (kicking in civilized language), then why buy a battery. Go or recharge. Older gentlemen are so addicted to Activa or other mopeds that they have cut all ties with geared bikes, except to accept them under duress if they have to sit on the back. As for the youth, whatever they don’t need in a bike, they manage it in a poor bike. You must also have seen that some people put a border of small lights on the sides of the number plate. The horns also take on some kind of blare that goes on in episodes for about five kilometers, any sentence on the number plate that they don’t follow yet. They twist the ears of the mirrors placed in front of their chest to see the car behind them as if they want to count how many hairs are flying in the wind while riding a bike.

However, we also use a number of bikes that happen to be number one in the categories mentioned above. It is the grace of Allah that our bike does not have all the attributes of being a bike in full, but its most endearing and unique attribute that I love so much is that it walks Alhamdulillah and also runs when running. And it stops when stopped. When parked at night, the poor thing gets parked without any objection and never demands that I be parked in the arms of a beautiful Activa or complains that the front Pulsar stares at me for too long. Please park me somewhere else.

The horn is also very good on our bike, about three to four times it sounds like yes bro! I’m ringing, what’s the hurry? Sometimes we also had to experience that when the horn was not sounded, we diverted people’s attention by making a beeping sound from our mouths.

At first it used to happen that we put the key here and there and only pointed to the self button and our bike would start neighing like a horse. I kept going back to my old kicking habit. Even though we feel bad enough to have our own bike, it’s still kicking. But what to do, if you pity him, you have to walk, and this seems to us a greater injustice, so we pity ourselves and kick him.

Don’t talk about the break sir! Our bike’s handling of brakes is slightly different from other heavy duty vehicles. As we put weight on our feet on the brakes, first she asks, my dear rider! Are you trying to slow me down? And when we respond to it, it slows down a bit and stops when we forcefully grip both our feet to the ground and begin to crawl. It is another thing that by doing this we have difficulty in walking that the map of chapel has changed in many places.

For the past few days we have been noticing another weakness of our bike which was not obvious to us till now. That is, once at night we were going somewhere on our bike, suddenly we realized that due to the bad road, when our bike was bumping, the headlight of our bike never turned on. Burning and sometimes extinguishing. We felt that our bike has not got a cataract. Our sensitive nature could not see his condition, so we took him to his hospital known as Gyarij. Hakeem Sahib, who was there, looked at the condition of our bike and inquired whether you have come riding on it. We must have smelled an insult from his question but we proudly said that yes, this is our only seven-year-old bike and we have come here on it. When he asked about the disease, we narrated the story of the headlight, he put on gloves and shining a flashlight on the headlight bulb, said that actually the connection of the corneal wire had become loose, due to which it was damaged. The candle is burning. Then he said a subtle point in a pure scholarly manner and said: Look! When it’s stationary, its headlights will illuminate the entire road just like the sun; But when it goes on, the effects of this disease will be acutely visible and sometimes there will be light on the way and sometimes you will have to go according to your own estimation. This is because whenever there is a bump on the road, the wires of his headlight will vibrate and then it will not work properly. That is, when the wires are connected, then the light will remain, and as soon as the wires move, the light will disappear. We had no complaints about our bike, we returned from there after thanking Hakeem Sahib thinking about potholes on the roads, but when we were lying on the bed at night, a very strange thing struck our mind. It is stated that when the wires are connected, the light will come on and as soon as the wires move, the light will disappear.

At that time, we realized that our life is also like this, when the strings of our life are connected to Allah, His Book, His Messenger, then the lights of happiness, success and peace will continue to shine in our life. The path of living and living will be clearly visible, and where the thread of our life is shaken by all these, there will be darkness in our life, even if a thousand objects of apparent light are removed.



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